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Quick Usage


For ease of installation, the entire GripMock service is packaged into one dockerfile. You only need to install docker and get the image.

I will skip the details of installing docker and using it. Read documentation:


Let's imagine that we have a gRPC service that we want to mock.

Let's imagine that our contract simple.proto looks something like this:

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";

package simple;

service Gripmock {
  rpc SayHello (Request) returns (Reply);

message Request {
  string name = 1;

message Reply {
  string message = 1;
  int32 return_code = 2;

One service

GripMock service, at the moment, can only be run in a docker container. All proto-files must be mounted in the docker and the path to them must be specified for the gripmock service.

The launch looks something like this:

docker run \
  -p 4770:4770 \
  -p 4771:4771 \
  -v ./api/proto:/proto:ro \
  bavix/gripmock /proto/simple.proto

We mounted the api/proto folder with our proto-files, there is a simple.proto file there. We have created this service.

Many services

GripMock service, at the moment, can only be run in a docker container. All proto-files must be mounted in the docker and the path to them must be specified for the gripmock service.

The launch looks something like this:

docker run \
  -p 4770:4770 \
  -p 4771:4771 \
  -v ./api/proto:/proto:ro \
  bavix/gripmock /proto/proto1.proto /proto/proto2.proto ... /proto/protoN.proto

We mounted the api/proto folder with our protofiles, there were N-services there. We have created this service.


Let's start the GripMock server:

docker run -p 4770:4770 -p 4771:4771 -v ./simple.proto:/proto/simple.proto:ro bavix/gripmock /proto/simple.proto

After launch, you will see something like this:

  simple git:(docs)  docker run -p 4770:4770 -p 4771:4771 -v ./api:/proto:ro bavix/gripmock /proto/simple.proto
Starting GripMock
Serving stub admin on http://:4771
grpc server pid: 38
Serving gRPC on tcp://:4770

What is important to understand?

  1. gRPC Mock server started on port 4770;
  2. HTTP server for working with the stub server is running on port 4771;

GripMock server supports method reflection. You can verify that all services have been created successfully by accessing the gripmock port.


This means that everything went well. Now let's add the first stub:

curl -X POST -d '{"service":"Gripmock","method":"SayHello","input":{"equals":{"name":"gripmock"}},"output":{"data":{"message":"Hello GripMock"}}}'

The stub has been successfully added, you have received a stub ID:



You can check the added stubs at the link: The result will not make you wait long, you should see the following:

    "id": "6c85b0fa-caaf-4640-a672-f56b7dd8074d",
    "service": "Gripmock",
    "method": "SayHello",
    "headers": {
      "equals": null,
      "contains": null,
      "matches": null
    "input": {
      "equals": {
        "name": "gripmock"
      "contains": null,
      "matches": null
    "output": {
      "data": {
        "message": "Hello GripMock"
      "error": ""

Now try to use the grpc client to our service with the data from the input.

Happened? Well done. You are a fast learner.